
Oracle to PostgreSQL

Do you spend too much for Oracle licenses?

Oracle Relational Database Management System is considered to be one of the most advanced database technologies available on the market. It is often compared to other database products serving as the standard of what a relationship database should offer. This is reflected in high operational cost due to expensive licenses. There are, however, other options that provide comparable levels of performance and security.

Move your database to open-source!

PostgreSQL is an open-source database technology that has attracted a lot of attention as an alternative to Oracle with the following advantages:

  • open-source - no license costs 
  • avoid vendor lock-in
  • equal or better performance
  • similar internal structure to Oracle 
  • well established community driven database engine since 1989

Migrating from on-premises Oracle databases to PostgreSQL hosted in the cloud can be a daunting task. Trustsoft has a unique knowhow on how to streamline the process - the combination of well established tools and hands-on knowledge. The target solution follows our standard:

What you get

  • enterprise-grade database technology
  • operational simplicity and cost effectiveness
  • fully managed service with high-availability
  • AWS Aurora can deliver 3 times better performance with regard to on-premises PostgreSQL
  • multi-availability-zone replication capability without the need of Oracle GoldenGate
  • automated disaster recovery and backup
  • integrated monitoring and patching and multi-region placement

 Next steps

  • rapid evaluation of current workload and infrastructure 
  • estimation of cloud solution costs
  • database schema conversion
  • PL/SQL to pgSQL database logic conversion
  • data migration with zero-downtime or need for a maintenance window
  • functional and performance testing
  • production switchover

How we work

Cooperation brings the best results.


Meet & discuss

We can meet in person or online on the platform you prefer.


Solution proposal

Based on the performed analysis, we adjust what is needed and prepare the most effective solution.


Client onboarding

We work closely with the developers on the assignment and involve your team members to get the best result.


Monitor & analyze

We report status at least twice a month and we work in close contact with you.

See our customers success stories

No matter the field, situation or the initial set up, we delivered. We love to make the journey to cloud easy a secure and that is how our clients like it. Please see our success stories.

"S Trustsoftem spolupracujeme již několik let. Převedli naši infrastrukturu na AWS a dále ji spravují. Jsme rádi, že s nimi můžeme spolupracovat."
"Velmi ochotný tým se zkušenostmi s různými službami AWS."
"Rád bych zdůraznil velmi dobrou spolupráci s Trustsoftem. Jejich přístup je velmi profesionální a rychle reagují na naše požadavky. Velmi nám pomohli s interními projekty."
"Zažraní a zkušení inženýři a architekti + poskytnuté plnohodnotné prostředí založené na AWS pro vývoj našich aplikací včetně základní linie pro nasazení EKS a CICD pipelines + velké nasazení ke splnění náročných termínů"